Price Chart
Palm Reading Sample
Tarot Card
Past Present Future
Detail Tarot Card Reading
Love - Future
$120.00 Plus
Candle Readings
$175.00 Plus
Chakra Reading
Coffee & Tea Reading
(Call for price)
Something You Need to Know
I do crystal healing, spiritual healing and energy healing. I work with the elements and spirit guides. I read and only work with the destiny books. I also have chart readings, date of birth readings, and angel numbers reading, twin flames readings, soul searching, soulmate readings that gives names and description if you haven't met your soulmate yet and Also third party reading, picture readings
A spiritual healer is not just to give guidance or love but i am also here to solve other problems . One visit in my chair when you see me, you will get 100 percent accuracy and clarity - No information from you needed.
- You will feel better, you will have Confidence, and will have Faith.
If you are ready to hold life by the horns and get your life together, I will help you .
God gives to heal and remove all blockages, jealousy, black magic and voodoo - if it not meant to be in your life then I can remove.
I have over 50 years of experience with over 350 clients and each and every one is happy and content. I am not like other psychics. And one visit with me you will know and understand that I am not like any other psychic.
If you are ready and are as troubled, lost, confused and in denial that you are in the way you feel, then contact today.
Call now and stop feeling so lost and confused.
Wake up and get your life together - Psychic Nina