session - $35.00
the energy that's around you and your chakras

Chakra Balancing
Why is Chakra Balancing important?
What are chakras? There is vital energy centers located along our spine known as chakras from ancient Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disk.” The chakras connect our mind-body-spirit. They are the core inner programs that direct our life and generate the situations in our life.
What causes our chakras to be blocked? Certain patterns, belief systems, habits, deep negative emotions and thoughts have caused our life to become unproductive and unhealthy. When our chakras are blocked, both our bodies and our lives are likely to be out of balance as well. This is why Chakra Healing is important.
Energy flows through the chakra system in two ways. It flows up and down along our central channel, base of spine to top of head, connecting the chakras. It also flows horizontally, in an exchange of energy with the environment. The upward current is about expressing freedom and expansion. The downward current activates awareness, communication, relationship, energy and connection. If the chakras become blocked, the upward and downward currents will become affected. Some examples are chronic illness, being stuck in a relationship pattern, addiction or an old habit.
Nina will assess whether your chakras are balanced and healthy. She will guide, educate and give you tools to keep your chakras in balance and alignment. When there is an imbalance in your chakra system, it will eventually manifest in your body, emotions, thoughts, or your life. In other words, it will show up clearly in the physical body at some point.
Working with the chakras and the energy fields in and around the body, Nina will guide you through the release of blocked emotional energy, old patterns and negative emotions. After the emotional chakra release session, you are better able to access the energetic frequencies and higher states of consciousness at will, and you will see your life move forward in the direction that you set forth during your session.

When your chakras are balanced and flowing freely:
Your body is healthy enough to support your individual spiritual journey/fulfillment of life purpose.
You are well grounded, secure, confident and in touch with your own body.
You will be in touch with your emotions, but not overwhelmed by them.
You are comfortable with your own sexuality.
You are self-confident and able to manifest your desires without dominating others.
You are compassionate and loving, with healthy relationships
You are in touch with nature.
You will be able to express your own truth, to listen as well as speak, to create.
Your intellect is balanced with wisdom; you are in touch with intuition.
You have a sense of connection with the divine
If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment simply call today.